I wrote this PHP script in order to include the latest tweets from my Twitter on my website. It retrieves the RSS feed, parses it and pastes a number of tweets (along with timestamp and link) to HTML.
[[ OLD:
Before I can / want to release it under some free software license, I would appreciate it if some of you PHP nerds could review the code. I am mainly concerned about security issues rather than formatting and coding style. Since I am no pro in PHP coding, I will probably have done some things quite clumsily.
So please point out security problems as well as other major issues. (For example, if anybody knows how to stop parsing after max items were dealt which, please let me know 🙂 ).
[UPDATE 07/08/2009]
(HTTP) Links are now made clickable.
[UPDATE 15/12/2009]
The script was released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License today.
Download the PHP code at http://blog.haraldkraft.de/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/parsetwitter.php_.txt and feel free to reuse and tweak my script (along with mentioning my name as suggested in the license information in the code).
Email me at blog {at} haraldkraft(.)de (or comment)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.